Preaching Donkey is Turning 5!

Five years ago this week I launched Preaching Donkey! Preaching Donkey was born out of a desire to discover the most effective ways to create and deliver messages that captivate and inspire listeners toward life-change.

Discovering what works in preaching was, and still is, a passion of mine because of the disconnect between best-practices in communication and what is so often the norm in preaching.

I first noticed this disconnect while I was completing my undergraduate program. I majored in communication and learned how to connect and communicate with people. Then, in my graduate work in seminary, I learned how to bore everyone with the Bible.

The way preaching was taught, at least how it was taught to me and so many pastors I’ve helped over the years, was so stilted and technical that it would satisfy the rubric of a seminary professor, but it would put everyone else to sleep. I knew there had to be a better way to preach biblically sound sermons that were, at the same time, compe...

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HOW to WRITE a SERMON – STEP 1: Determine the Topic, Title & Hook

sermon prep Jun 25, 2019

Writing a sermon can be a daunting task! Where do you start? What do you do first, second, third? How does it all come together in the end?

In this series of videos, I will show you a simple process to go from blank page to ready for Sunday in 7 steps.

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Determine the TOPIC, TITLE & HOOK - How to Write a Sermon - Step 1

sermon prep Jun 25, 2019

Writing a sermon can be a daunting task! Where do you start? What do you do first, second, third? How does it all come together in the end? In this series of videos, I will show you a simple process to go from blank page to ready for Sunday in 7 steps.

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A SIMPLE Way to CAST VISION to Your Church – How to Preach Vision

sermon prep Jun 21, 2019


Sometimes we try to complicate vision-casting to our church. In this video, I discuss a simple way to cast vision every time you preach. This is something so simple that once you grasp it, you can use this method again and again for years.

Would you like help preparing your next sermon? Grab your FREE 21-Day Guide to Creating Killer Sermons

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A SIMPLE Way to CAST VISION to Your Church - How to Preach Vision

Sometimes we try to complicate vision-casting to our church. In this video, I discuss a simple way to cast vision every time you preach.

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Father’s Day Vs. Mother’s Day in MOST Churches!

church leadership Jun 09, 2019

With Father’s Day just around the corner I wanted to shed some light on what I believe is a negative tendency in a lot of churches on Father’s Day. While Mother’s Day tends to be a day of honoring and celebrating moms, Father’s Day often becomes a day to beat up on dads and men in general. 

I propose a better way forward that continues to honor moms and challenge men, but also offers a more holistic approach to leading and caring for both men and women in our churches.

Have you grabbed my FREE 21 Day Guide to Creating Killer Sermons? In it you will find practical action steps that take you on a three week journey of discovering how to prepare a sermon that captivates and inspires your listeners. 

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FATHER'S Day Vs. MOTHER'S Day in MOST Churches!!

church leadership Jun 08, 2019

With Father's Day around the corner I wanted to shed some light on what I believe is a negative tendency in a lot of churches on Father's Day. I propose a better way forward.

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Preaching Vs. Teaching – What’s the Difference?

sermon prep Jun 05, 2019

What’s the difference between preaching and teaching? In this video we explore the difference and why it matters. Don’t forget to grab my free 21 Day Guide to Creating Killer Sermons.

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What's the Difference Between PREACHING and TEACHING??

sermon development Jun 05, 2019

In this video, we discuss the difference between preaching and teaching.


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How to Change Up Your Sermon Last Minute (If you need to)

sermon prep May 07, 2019

Not too long ago I preached a sermon where I felt God was leading me to change up the introduction entirely. This occurred to me minutes before I was about to preach. I sat on the front row during worship and it was clear to me – the plan I had for the sermon opening just didn’t fit.

The direction I felt like God wanted me to go was to share a personal story that would be a fairly vulnerable, transparent thing to share. This was a risky proposition when completely extemporaneous, but I’ve told the story many times so I went with it.

This experience made me think about the best ways to change up your sermon when you feel like God is leading in a different direction with the sermon.

In this video we’ll explore 7 things to keep in mind if you need to change things up.

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