In these weeks where so many churches cannot meet in person due to stay at home orders because of COVID-19, how do you keep people engaged so that they don’t drop off the radar?
It’s a great step to take your church online, which so many churches have done!
But how do you take it to the next level so that you keep your church connected?
In this video, we discuss three things you can do to make sure your church stays connected to you and to one another.
So much has changed in the last few weeks! News breaks every day regarding Coronavirus / COVID-19. How should churches respond? How can churches actually thrive during this time? What can churches do to offer hope to hurting people? How can churches not just "take services online" but keep people connected in real and tangible ways? In this video we'll dive into all of that and more.
So much has changed in the last few weeks! News breaks every day regarding Coronavirus / COVID-19.
How should churches respond? How can churches actually thrive during this time? What can churches do to offer hope to hurting people? How can churches not just “take services online” but keep people connected in real and tangible ways? In this video we’ll dive into all of that and more.
How you begin a message is crucial. The importance of the first words you say cannot be overstated. In fact…
Your listeners decide within the first 90 seconds to 3 minutes of your sermon whether they are going to pay attention to the rest of it!
As preachers, we must have a good plan for how to start our message for maximum impact!
In this video, I’m giving you an exact template to make sure your messages kick off to a great start every week.
How you begin a message is crucial. The importance of the first words you say cannot be overstated. In fact... Your listeners decide within the first 90 seconds to 3 minutes of your sermon whether they are going to pay attention to the rest of it! As preachers, we must have a good plan for how to start our message for maximum impact! In this video, I'm giving you an exact template to make sure your messages kick off to a great start every week.
There's no way around it, people are going to come in and out of paying attention to your sermons. In this video, we'll discover three ways to win back your audience's attention when you preach.
In this video we talk all about the benefits of writing a book. I think it's one of the best things you can do for your ministry.
Have you ever finished preparing for a message and asked yourself, “Is it ready?”
Sometimes I wonder if my sermon has what is needed to make an impact.
There are three questions you can ask at the end of your sermon prep process that will help you know if you are on track.
In this week’s video, we examine these simple, but powerful, evaluation questions that can be used to assess your sermon’s effectiveness BEFORE you preach it.
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