Three Questions to Evaluate Any Sermon BEFORE You Preach

sermon prep Jan 14, 2020

There are three questions to ask at the end of your sermon prep process that will help you know if you are on track. These are simple, but powerful, evaluation tools that can be used to assess your sermon's effectiveness BEFORE you preach it. 


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You need a break! How to prevent burnout in ministry

church leadership Dec 29, 2019

As I’ve had some time off this week I have been reflecting on the importance of taking time off.
 So many pastors live on the edge of burnout because they give all they have all the time and don’t have intentional breaks built in to recharge.
But we need to take time off so that we can be fully present with our families. Then when we re-engage with our ministry we are able to be fully present with our church.
Without balance, we’re not going to fully available for anyone.
In this week’s video, we talk about how to build intentional time off into our weekly schedule and how to get the most out of vacations. 
P.S. 2019 has been the BEST year ever for Preaching Donkey! Thank you for subscribing, for your encouragement and for your faithfulness to your calling as a pastor and proclaimer of the gospel. You rock!
P.P.S. And by the way… 2020 is going to be even better! I’ve got some amazing things planned for you to keep helping you preach with more impact an
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Pastor, you need a BREAK! How to prevent burnout in ministry...

church leadership Dec 29, 2019


So many pastors live on the edge of burnout because they give all they have all the time and don't have intentional breaks built in to recharge. But pastors need to take time off so that they can be fully present with their families and fully present with their church. Without balance, you're not going to fully be there for anyone. In this video, we talk about how to build intentional time off into your weekly schedule and how to get the most out of your vacations.


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Sermon LENGTH by Denomination - Pew Research's MASSIVE Study on 50,000 Sermons - Lessons for Pastors

Pew Research conducted a massive study on 50,000 sermons at over 6,000 churches to determine how sermons differ in length and content based on denomination. In this video we'll dive into their findings.


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How to Avoid the 3 Negative Ways People React to Sermons

sermon prep' Dec 12, 2019

It can be easy to forget this, but YOU set the tone for how people feel about your message. In fact, how people respond to you is largely in your control as a speaker. You can avoid negative reactions people sometimes have by setting the right tone from the start. In this video, we'll dive into how to do that.
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4 Things to be Thankful as a Pastor

church leadership Nov 26, 2019

I’m sure you know it’s easy to become cynical as a pastor.

The longer you work in ministry the more you can lose sight of why you got into this work in the first place.

This is why it’s so important to remind ourselves of what we have to be thankful for!

In this week’s video, I share 4 things I’m thankful for as a pastor. In these I believe you’ll find some things you can be thankful for as well.

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4 Things to be THANKFUL for as a PASTOR

church leadership Nov 25, 2019


It's easy to become cynical as a pastor - the longer you work in ministry the more you can lose sight of why you got into this work in the first place. This is why it's so important to remind ourselves of what we have to be thankful for! Here are 4 things I'm thankful for as a pastor. In these I believe you'll find some things you can be thankful for as well.


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How to Handle Criticism as a Pastor

church leadership Nov 18, 2019

Have you ever been criticized as a pastor?

Criticism is going to come at you from all angles when you’re a pastor. It’s not a matter of if, but when. This applies not only to preachers but all leaders.

Anyone who is trying to do anything of significance is going to face criticism.

Sometimes criticism is based in some truth and we can learn from it.

Other times the criticism hurled at us is based in simple misunderstandings.

When it comes to preaching in particular, sometimes people hear what you didn’t say and other times they don’t hear what you did say. In both cases, misunderstandings happen which are usually followed closely by criticism.

So how do you deal with criticism when it comes at you? In this video, we are going to talk about criticism and discover some helpful tools deal with it in a way that doesn’t derail the important work that God has called us to do. Check it out.

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How to Handle Criticism as a Pastor

church leadership Nov 13, 2019

Criticism is going to come at you from all angles when you're a pastor. It's not a matter of if, but when. This applies not only to preachers but all leaders as well. Anyone who is trying to do anything of significance is going to face criticism. Sometimes criticism is based in some truth and we can learn from it. Other times it's based in simple misunderstandings. It turns out, sometimes people hear what you didn't say and other times they don't hear what you said. In both cases, misunderstandings happen which are usually followed closely by criticism. So how do you deal with criticism when it comes at you? In this video, we are going to talk about criticism and discover some helpful tools to begin to expect it and deal with it in a way that does not derail the important work that God has called us to do.


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How Long Should a Sermon Be?

sermon prep Nov 07, 2019

How long should I preach?

That is an important question that we must answer intentionally as pastors. How long the sermon is can make a difference in your listener’s ability to listen and apply.

But, is there an ideal length for a sermon or does it depend on context?

What are some best-practices to keep in mind when determining how long to preach?

In this week’s video, we dive into those questions. 

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