All Episodes
113. The BEST Book on Leading Change In Your Church
Let me take a wild guess here... There are things you want to change about your church. You have a list. You dream about what it would be like if you could make the changes you want to make. If only your leadership...
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112. Be a Pillar of Virtue (Pastor Expectations 7 of 7)
Ahh, a pillar of virtue. One who floats on the clouds unaffected by criticism, temptation, angry congregants and everything in between. That is basically what is expected of you at all times as a pastor. Is this fair?...
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111. Be the Master of Ceremonies (Pastor Expectations 6 of 7)
Can weddings, funerals and baptisms lead to burnout? It depends on how you manage the expectation of being the officiant of all those ceremonies. In this episode, we discuss how to set the expectations and manage the...
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110. Be a Human Resources Director (Pastor Expecations Part 5 of 7)
I would guess that when you signed up to be a pastor, the absolute LAST thing on your mind was that one day you'd be expected to manage HR at your church. That you would effectively be a human resources director on...
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109. Be a Fundraiser (Pastor Expectations Part 4 of 7)
Your church needs money to operate. Almost nothing happens without it. And the expectation of raising enough funds for the church to meet its budget and fund special projects often falls squarely on you, the pastor....
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108. Be a Counselor (Pastor Expectations 3 of 7)
How do you handle the expectation of pastoral care in your church? Too often the senior pastor takes on this burden nearly entirely. This can become a massive drain on you - spiritually, emotionally and physically....
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107. Be the CEO of Your Church (Pastor Expectations 2 of 7)
When you signed up for ministry, did you know you'd be expected to function as a CEO? Oh, and you need to give a keynote address to the whole organization every Sunday. And, you better lead at a world class level. And...
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106. Be a Professional Speaker (Pastor Expectations 1 of 7)
If you preach, you know the pressure of making your sermons awesome. But it's not just your content that has to be impeccable. Your delivery has to be at an expert level as well. You simply "must" be: -engaging but...
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105. The Tyranny of Unrealistic Expectations (Why Pastors Quit)
Recently a pastor wrote an article sharing why he has decided to leave pastoral ministry for good. His article went viral as so many people resonated with his sentiments on the pressures, stresses and unrealistic...
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104. The BEST Way to Build Tension (In your sermon)
When we preach, we need one thing from our listeners in order to get our message across to them: their attention. If they are not listening, the message is not making an impact. This is why building tension in the...
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103. How to Preach One-Point Sermons (And why you'd want to)
Recently I received a question from a subscriber who asked me about how to move from preaching messages with multiple points to preaching one-point messages. I love this question because it begs another question: Why...
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102. 10 Reasons Church Attendance Is Declining (even for committed Christians)
Church attendance is in decline overall. But this is not just among those who have left the faith entirely. Even those who are committed Christians are attending church less and less. In an article on his website,...
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