The Tyranny of Unrealistic Expectations (Why Pastors Quit)

pastoral care Oct 19, 2023

Recently a pastor wrote an article sharing why he has decided to leave pastoral ministry for good.

His article went viral as so many people resonated with his sentiments on the pressures, stresses and unrealistic expectations pastors face.

In this episode, we'll dive into his article and see what we can learn from his experience.

If you've ever felt as if they pressures of ministry are too great to bear, this episode is for you.

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Matt Chandler Steps Down - Here's what no one's talking about

pastoral care podcast Sep 01, 2022

Prominent mega church pastor, Matt Chandler, steps down for an indefinite leave of absence from his preaching role at The Village Church in Flower Mound, TX. This is due to "unguarded and unwise" interactions between him and another woman on Instagram.

This comes in the wake of many scandals involving high profile pastors stepping down from their roles - some permanently losing their ministries.

But this situation has some nuances that few seem to acknowledge. For far too long, we've seen a lack of accountability in the church. Is this situation different? Did the elders at The Village Church actually do their job?

In this episode, we'll explore the statements from Chandler and Patterson, and draw out some lessons we can take away from this situation as pastors and church leaders.

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Pastor, Here's How to Get the MOST out of Your VACATIONS!

pastoral care Apr 29, 2021

Ministry can be draining. We love the work, the people and the calling, but...

It can still be draining.

This is why we NEED time away. True, actual time away.

But, many pastors can't or won't protect their vacations and they end up being interrupted or cut short.

Friend, it does not have to be this way! In this episode, I will give you a step-by-step plan for making the most of the precious time you get away with your family.

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9 Gift Ideas for Pastors (That They’ll Actually Like)

pastoral care Nov 21, 2018

Every year when the holidays roll around there are lots of people who genuinely want to give back to their pastors with some sort of gift. This, by the way, is NOT something we expect as pastors nor would we ever feel entitled to it. 

But, gifts do come our way sometimes. People in our churches want a way to say ‘thank you’ for caring for their families, ministering to them, being there for them when they need us and leading them spiritually.

As someone who loves pastors and appreciates the sacrifices they make for their churches, I want to give you a list of gift ideas that your pastor will actually like.

Here’s the thing: most pastor gifts are so not good. Like so not good, and no pastor wants them. I know hundreds of pastors, and I can guarantee you, none of them are sitting around saying, “I sure wish someone would give me a calendar-paperweight-magnet with a deer and an an inspirational verse on it!”

So, if you really want to get your pastor a gift they’ll actually like, here ...

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